Sunday 10 July 2016


There are different kinds of ways to achieving a flat stomach, here's a few tips from m;
1)Exercise: this is the process everybody tries to avoid because it takes time and commitment but trust me its worth it. Exercises that help to flatten the stomach are

a)Push ups: do like 20-30 push ups a day highly recommended.
b)Crunches: crunches really helps faster than any other exercise.To achieve fast results u have to do up to 20-30 a day too.
c)Sit ups: do at least 20-30 a day too to achieve fast results.
d)Leg lifts: this exercise also helps in toning the butt do like 30 in a day.
e)Plank: it really helps achieving a flat stomach, hold for 30-45 seconds.
f)Squats: squats like jump squats and static squats will also help to flatten your stomach and enlarges the butt size,do 20-30 in a day.
2)Food intake: in order for the exercises to work we have to also watch the kind of foods we take.
We should encourage ourselves to eat more of vegetables and fruits, proteins,food with less sugar, cut-out soda, cut-out the intake of fast food, reduce salt intake and avoid alcohol.
3)Water: Make sure you drink lots of water, before and after workout plus before and after eating.
4)Yoga: yoga is really good for your body and they help beat belly fat like bow pose, cobra pose, standing forward and bend plus wind relieving pose.
5)Swimming: people mainly see swimming as an activity but its a form of exercise and can help get your tummy in its right shape in no time. 

In the next post we would be talking about fast ways to get flat stomach and u will see results in less than a month.
If u have any questions feel free to ask, Do drop comments.

 Who's up for some challenge?
I'm doing mine and i'd post my results.

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