Friday 15 July 2016


          Shea butter, commonly known as "Ori" in the south-western region of Nigeria has been very useful for centuries. Shea butter is gotten from a tree known as the Mangofolia tree which grows wildly in the west and central Africa. The trees can not be cultivated commercially because they take up to fifty years to mature. Shea butter is a major source of income in some parts of Africa where it is referred to as "women's gold"
because it provides employment for most women there.

  Shea butter is known to contain vitamins A and vitamin E and also possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It contains cinnamic acid which helps to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays and sunburns. It also contains a high level of fatty acids which makes it an excellent additive for anti-aging creams, shampoos, lotions and the likes.
 For many years, shea butter has been used by African women to restore vitality and freshness to the skin and hair. It helps to moisturize the skin and the hair scalp and protects and retains the elasticity of the hair and skin. Although, most people can not stomach shea butter because of its off-putting smell which strongly depends on how and when it is gotten from because I have seen shea butters without any foul smell, the smell disappears after it has been applied.
   Unrefined shea butter is ideal for treating scars, burns, psoriasis, dermatitis, sores, dandruff, dry and chapped skin and so on. The list is endless. It also helps to eliminate wrinkles and enhances blood circulation. It relieves nasal congestion,  arthritis, rheumatism, muscle aches and cramps. It goes a long way in protecting the skin from both environmental and chemical damages.
 When mixed with natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil and the likes,it has shown to be a superb moisturizer with exceptional healing properties for the skin. This is because the moisturizers in the same wonder working butter is the same as that produced by the sebaceous gland in the skin. Its positive biochemical effects on the skin makes it ideal for wound healing as stated earlier on.
   Indeed, the benefits of shea butter is a  legion and its usefulness can not be over-rated!
                                            Tosin Dawodu

Image was gotten from google.

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