Wednesday 29 June 2016

College Duties : the sad heart.

Been pretty much occupied with school work, I'm really sorry about that, things are about to change on that note, I love you guys and I know you do love me right back. So not to waste time let's get to publishing.

The sad Heart.

The night was a cold one, all wrapped up in her lovers arms cosy and whatnot, she felt loved and happy.
She smiled every time he smiled into her hers and told her he loved her, placed a few kisses on her check and mouth, which made her love him the most.
The wind was the coldest at this night, shaking and shivering on her bed she turns to check if her lover was still beside her, soon she realised he was just all made up, a fragment of her imaginations. "What is love, and who is the right one?" she asked.

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